December 01, 2019

#Neo4j Part 8:Interview Questions & Answers

How files are stored in Neo4j?
Neo4j stores graph data in a number of different store files, and each store file consists of the data for a specific part of the graph(relationships, nodes, properties etc), e.g: Neostore.nodestore.db, neostore.propertystore.db and so on.

How indexing is done in Neo4j?
There was no indexing in earlier days for Neo4j, but later on it was introduced with new feature Automatic Indexes by using the command

START n=node:node_auto_index(name=‘abc’) RETURN n

How Neo4j stores primitive array?
Neo4j stores primitive array in a compressed way in order to save the space on disk, to do that it uses a “bit saving” algorithm.

What is the IP we use to access Neo4J environment?

What is object Cache in Neo4J?
In order to improve the performance of the graph traversals, Object Cache is used to cache the nodes and their properties. There are two types of Object Cache which can also referred as High Level Cache: Reference and High Performance Cache(HPC).

-K Himaanshu Shuklaa..

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