April 16, 2020

Part 4: Elastic Search Interview Questions And Answers

What is ELK Stack and its contents?
Enterprises, large or small nowadays come across information in the form of reports, data and customer follow-ups and historical, current orders as well as customer reviews from the online and offline logs. It is essential to store and analyze these logs which will help predict valuable feedback for the businesses.

To maintain these logs of data, it needs an inexpensive log analysis tool. ELK Stack is a collection of Search and Analysis tools like Elastic Search, Collection and Transformation tool like Log Stash and Visualization and Data Management tool like Kibana, parsing and collection of logs with Beats and monitoring and reporting tool like X Pack.

How Kibana will be useful in Elasticsearch?
Kibana is a window into the Elastic Stack and comes as a part of the ELK Stack.

It enables visual exploration and real-time analysis of our data in ElasticSearch. With the help of Kibana, we can analyze ever-increasing logs in various graph formats such as line, pie-bar, coordinate maps, etc.

To Start Kibana,
  • Go to command prompt, go till D:\Softwares\elasticsearch-7.8.0\bin and then execute 'elasticsearch' command.
  • Now open another command prompt, go till D:\Softwares\kibana-7.8.0-windows-x86_64\bin and execute 'kibana'.
  • After this go to the browser and open http://localhost:5601, if the kibana is started successfully you will see Kibana dashboard.
How Log stash can be used with Elasticsearch?
Log stash is an open-source ETL server-side engine that comes along with ELK Stack that collects, and processes data from a large variety of sources.

How Beats can be used with Elasticsearch?
Beats is an open-source tool that transports the data straight to the Elasticsearch or through Log stash, where data can be processed or filtered before being viewed using Kibana. The type of data that gets transported is audit data, log files, cloud data, network traffic, and window event logs.

How Elastic Stack Reporting is used?
Reporting API helps to retrieve data in PDF format, image PNG format as well as spreadsheet CSV format and can be shared or saved as per need.

Explain about NRT with regards to Elasticsearch?
Elasticsearch is the quickest possible search platform, where the latency (delay) is just one second from the time you index the document and the time it becomes searchable, hence Elasticsearch is Near Real-Time (NRT) search platform.

Explain Explore API in an Elasticsearch?
Explore API help to fetch information on documents and duration or terms such as 'max number of vertices' or 'number of shards/partition”' or 'document count' etc.

How Migration API can be used as an Elasticsearch?
Migration API is applied after the Elasticsearch version is upgraded with a newer version. With this migration API, X-Pack indices are updated into the latest/newer version of the Elasticsearch cluster.

How Search API function in an Elasticsearch?
Search API helps to look for the data from the index, from particular shards guided by a routing parameter.

-K Himaanshu Shuklaa..

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