
November 02, 2009

My Comment : KRK thrown out from Bigg Boss house.

Aaah…I darfted this after KRK removal from BB and forgot to post it.

The abusive, rude, foul, impatient, violent tempered, brash Kamal Khan a.k.a KRK (…as he pompously calls himself..lolzzz) has been expelled from the Bigg boss house. So if this guy was so violent (he threw a bottle at a fellow inmate Rohit Verma) and short tempered (…he kept flying off the handle at the least provocation) what was he doing in a show which requires him to share space with 12 other contestants?

Should not reality show contestants be made to go through some sort of test to gauge if they can be put in a community fish bowl? Even when we sets up a fish tank at home we are careful not to combine the aggressive fish with the mild ones for the fear of an assault. And KRK did just that!!! when he did that Bigg Boss promptly threw him out of the show. This is a classic case of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Now the channel and the production house are laughing and crying at the same time. Laughing because KRK had until then single handedly upped the ratings of the show and crying because now the show may lose its punch. By merely getting rid of the culprit/ offender does it absolve all concerned from having let loose a nutty man in the house? Since the rule book says that anyone who gets abusive or violent will be expelled from the house why in the first place invite such an individual to play the game? …[Lets see what will happen to Vindu Dara Singh].

-K Himaanshu Shukla..

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