- What is the difference between Composition and Aggregation? How can we implement them in Java?
- How can we implement Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache using LinkedHashMap? (solution)
- What is the use of Builder Design Pattern. (solution)
- Explain Observer Design pattern. (solution)
- Assume we have an Employee class, which contains employeeName, employeeId (both are Strings) and employeeDateOfJoining(which is date). How can I make employee class Immutable? (solution)
- What is the advantage of making a String class Immutable? (solution)
- Design your own custom Threadpool executor with minimal functionality?(solution) (GIT:Custom Threadpool executor)
- An Employee table has four columns, emp_id, emp_name, salary and mngr_id. Find all the employees, who have a bigger salary than their manager. Answer: SELECT e.emp_name FROM Employee e JOIN Employee m ON e.mngr_id = m.emp_id WHERE e.salary > m.salary;
- Find the employee who is getting third higest salary? Answer: SELECT top 1 salary FROM (SELECT top 3 salary FROM Employee ORDER BY salary DESC) Result ORDER BY salary;
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