Ctrl+C may be the most important work we do every day. But it's not a very safe thing to do. Read on to know why. What happens when you press Ctrl+C while you are online. We do copy various data by Ctrl + C for pasting elsewhere. This copied data is stored in clipboard and is accessible from the net by a combination of Java scripts and ASP. This is called clipboard hack problem.
Surprised! I know you are because I was also surprised. Do not keep sensitive data (like passwords, credit card numbers, PIN etc.) in the clipboard while surfing the web. It is extremely easy to extract the text stored in the clipboard to steal your sensitive information.
Text you last copied for pasting (copy & paste) can be stolen when you visit web sites using a combination of JavaScript and ASP (or PHP, or CGI) to write your possible sensitive data to a database on another server.
How Clipboard Hack is done?
The Clipboard hack is done by the following Source Code:
How to safeguard yourself from Clipboard Hack Problem?
To avoid clipboard hack problem, do the following:
1. Go to internet options->security.
2. Press custom level.
3. In the security settings, select disable under Allow paste operations via script.
Interestingly, this hack works only on internet explorer, and not on Mozilla Firefox browser.
-K Himaanshu Meehirs' Shukla...
December 28, 2009
Happy birthday Panchi…
It’s your birthday Panchi…
A special day not only for you but for all of us….
You’re another year older…
Another year wiser….
And more gorgeous and ravishing for it too…
So how can I make it an occasion, this day that arrives but once a year?...
I had wrapped my heart up filled with love and send you this birthday cheer…
You know there is a shortage of sugar in this universe after 27 December,1985.
Because god used all the sugar to make you sweet.
Have a marvelous birthday, wish you all the happiness in the world.
We love you so much Panchi.
-K Himaanshu Meehirs’ Shukla…
December 24, 2009
Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!!!
May you enjoy the excitement of getting together with loved ones during long Christmas holidays, share many laughs, and get your fill of all the wonderful foods you like to eat this time of year.
Also, let’s not forget about those less fortunate than us. Maybe drop off some food to the Food Bank, visit someone who is house-bound, or give a special donation to the orphanage or old age home.
If we all just do one thing, we may be able bring a smile to someone’s face this Christmas who usually struggles this time of year.
We are truly blessed – lets spread it around.
Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!!!
-K Himaanshu Meehirs’ Shukla…
December 23, 2009
Ek pal to ab humein jeene do...
The last time I was really moved by the lyrics of a Hindi movie song was when I listened to ‘Maa…’, from Taare Zameen Par. The touching lyrics and emotional representation by Shankar Mahadevan had the old tear ducts working overtime the very first time I heard the song.
The same thing happened a couple of days back, when I was listening to the one of songs of ‘3 Idiots’. ‘3 Idiots’ is the big screen adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s ‘Five Point Someone’. I enjoy good music and by good music I mean the kind that has understandable lyrics and doesn’t get out of your head that easily. “Give me some sunshine…Give me some rain” is one of those kind of songs. It has quite simple relatable lyrics, an easy to sing along with kind of chorus and a hummable tune.
Saari umr hum, mar mar ke jee liye, Ek pal to ab humein jeene do, jeene do…
(All our life, lived like we were dead, Let us live for a moment, at least now….)
Rishvat dena to khud Papa ne sikhaya, 99% marks laaoge to ghadi, varna chhadi….
(Dad taught me the art of bribery, A wristwatch if you get 99% marks, else a whipping….)
Concentrated H2S04 ne poora poora bachpan jala dala….
(All my childhood burnt away by Concentrated H2S04….)
Bachpan to gaya, jawani bhi gayi ik pal to abh hamain jeene do jeene do ….
(Our Childhood’s gone and so has our youth, at least now let us live for a moment…)
It’s like a paean(…a song of joyful praise or euphoria) to a childhood lost to the rat race of academics. ‘Bachpan to gaya, jawani bhi gayi’……
How many people have sacrificed the best years of their life at the altar of studies? (…well I am one of them.)
How many hours wasted mugging up stuff which has never been of any use in our adult life? […we used to call exams as ‘Intellectual Vomiting’, because we mug up all the answers before the exam and vomited it on the answer paper. Remember how you feel after leaving examination hall?...the same feeling we get after vomiting…feel good feeling :) ]
How many have wondered after their first successful job interview why the 5 marks for which their parents/teachers had berated you, did not matter that much? […I remember my mom slapped because I left one question in Social Science exam]
Why hadn’t employers even glanced at that holiest of holies – the 10th standard mark sheet , for which so many young ones are driven to insanity or even worse, suicide?
If I put myself in my parents shoes I can understand the parent’s point of view. In a developing nation like ours a good education does seem like the only way to ensure a your wards’ future financial security. But somewhere along the line the combined pressure from the schools (…must not blemish school’s flawless /impeccable record) and parents (…how can they face others if their son/daughter is a failure?) so many youngsters are forced to lead a life devoid of imagination and devoted to learning by rote(…memorization by repetition), random data which can be rehearsed/ regurgitated at exams.
Add to that the pressure to be an all-rounder today’s child has after school tuitions, dance classes, drawing classes, karate classes, sports coaching, vocal lessons, personality development classes and what not, all of which he or she is supposed to excel in!!! Honestly, if Newton were a child in present day India he would never have developed his theory of gravitation. Lets imagine the scene, young Newton lazing under an apple tree. Of course, the odds are an enraged parent or teacher will grab him by the ear and drag him back to his books scolding, ‘Good for nothing dude, lazing around instead of studying. Get back to your book or you will be an utter failure in life’
In a our country India where currently, the ultimate dream of every parent and ambition of every young student is to become a software engineer (....previously favorites like Civil engineer, IAS, Banking, or even a medical degree are not as popular as before), the number of unemployed engineers are increasing as colleges set up mainly for the purpose of making money, churn out more and more numbers of “*unemployable engineers*”. NASSCOM reported that 75% of Indian engineering students are unemployable(http://www.educationmaster.org/news/nasscom-report-75-indian-engineering-students-unemployable.html ). With the combined push of parents, school, tuitions, coaching institutes students somehow manage secure admission into a professional college(…like I get). And that’s where many of them feel cut aimless or adrift, the group which had pushed them into this, now seem unable to help them any longer. That’s where they realize that getting there was just half the job. That their work is barely over.
The song echoes the angst of these youth caught in such a situation and who seem to be demanding for just a moment to be themselves. Though the lyrics are poignant, it does not sound gloomy or mournful?(….no violins moaning in the background). In fact the music is quite upbeat peppy and playful. Do listen to the song.
-K Himaanshu Meehirs' Shukla
The same thing happened a couple of days back, when I was listening to the one of songs of ‘3 Idiots’. ‘3 Idiots’ is the big screen adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s ‘Five Point Someone’. I enjoy good music and by good music I mean the kind that has understandable lyrics and doesn’t get out of your head that easily. “Give me some sunshine…Give me some rain” is one of those kind of songs. It has quite simple relatable lyrics, an easy to sing along with kind of chorus and a hummable tune.
Saari umr hum, mar mar ke jee liye, Ek pal to ab humein jeene do, jeene do…
(All our life, lived like we were dead, Let us live for a moment, at least now….)
Rishvat dena to khud Papa ne sikhaya, 99% marks laaoge to ghadi, varna chhadi….
(Dad taught me the art of bribery, A wristwatch if you get 99% marks, else a whipping….)
Concentrated H2S04 ne poora poora bachpan jala dala….
(All my childhood burnt away by Concentrated H2S04….)
Bachpan to gaya, jawani bhi gayi ik pal to abh hamain jeene do jeene do ….
(Our Childhood’s gone and so has our youth, at least now let us live for a moment…)
It’s like a paean(…a song of joyful praise or euphoria) to a childhood lost to the rat race of academics. ‘Bachpan to gaya, jawani bhi gayi’……
How many people have sacrificed the best years of their life at the altar of studies? (…well I am one of them.)
How many hours wasted mugging up stuff which has never been of any use in our adult life? […we used to call exams as ‘Intellectual Vomiting’, because we mug up all the answers before the exam and vomited it on the answer paper. Remember how you feel after leaving examination hall?...the same feeling we get after vomiting…feel good feeling :) ]
How many have wondered after their first successful job interview why the 5 marks for which their parents/teachers had berated you, did not matter that much? […I remember my mom slapped because I left one question in Social Science exam]
Why hadn’t employers even glanced at that holiest of holies – the 10th standard mark sheet , for which so many young ones are driven to insanity or even worse, suicide?
If I put myself in my parents shoes I can understand the parent’s point of view. In a developing nation like ours a good education does seem like the only way to ensure a your wards’ future financial security. But somewhere along the line the combined pressure from the schools (…must not blemish school’s flawless /impeccable record) and parents (…how can they face others if their son/daughter is a failure?) so many youngsters are forced to lead a life devoid of imagination and devoted to learning by rote(…memorization by repetition), random data which can be rehearsed/ regurgitated at exams.
Add to that the pressure to be an all-rounder today’s child has after school tuitions, dance classes, drawing classes, karate classes, sports coaching, vocal lessons, personality development classes and what not, all of which he or she is supposed to excel in!!! Honestly, if Newton were a child in present day India he would never have developed his theory of gravitation. Lets imagine the scene, young Newton lazing under an apple tree. Of course, the odds are an enraged parent or teacher will grab him by the ear and drag him back to his books scolding, ‘Good for nothing dude, lazing around instead of studying. Get back to your book or you will be an utter failure in life’
In a our country India where currently, the ultimate dream of every parent and ambition of every young student is to become a software engineer (....previously favorites like Civil engineer, IAS, Banking, or even a medical degree are not as popular as before), the number of unemployed engineers are increasing as colleges set up mainly for the purpose of making money, churn out more and more numbers of “*unemployable engineers*”. NASSCOM reported that 75% of Indian engineering students are unemployable(http://www.educationmaster.org/news/nasscom-report-75-indian-engineering-students-unemployable.html ). With the combined push of parents, school, tuitions, coaching institutes students somehow manage secure admission into a professional college(…like I get). And that’s where many of them feel cut aimless or adrift, the group which had pushed them into this, now seem unable to help them any longer. That’s where they realize that getting there was just half the job. That their work is barely over.
The song echoes the angst of these youth caught in such a situation and who seem to be demanding for just a moment to be themselves. Though the lyrics are poignant, it does not sound gloomy or mournful?(….no violins moaning in the background). In fact the music is quite upbeat peppy and playful. Do listen to the song.
-K Himaanshu Meehirs' Shukla
December 22, 2009
Celinas’ Raaz pichle janam ka...
Yesterday one of my friend send an SMS that he is coming with Celina Jaitly in ‘Raaz pichle Janam Ka’. The show is based on past life regression. As my friend is coming with doe-eyed Celina so I stick to NDTV Imagine to watch Celinas’ Raaz pichle janam ka.
Celina comes to ‘Raaz Pichle Janam Ka’ to know why is she still waiting for true love? She also wanted to find out about the recurring stomach pain which she had since childhood. The pain she experiences lasts for days together until she can move again without any control. Despite consulting various doctors and undergoing medical tests, the root cause of the problem could not be detected.
I liked the concept of ‘Raaz Pichle Janam Ka’ because I do believe in reincarnation. But the realness of ‘Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka’ is a complicated subject as well as the topic of past life regression, since none of the psychological/ psychosomatic techniques are 100% full proof.
I don’t know why the presenter of the show gifts a teleshopping artifact "Suraksha Kavach". Ravi Kissan hopping to the end the show pointing towards the regression couch as "Samay Rath" defiantly creeps one out especially those who have watched too many time travel brutal ending movies.
-K Himaanshu Meehirs' Shukla...
I liked the concept of ‘Raaz Pichle Janam Ka’ because I do believe in reincarnation. But the realness of ‘Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka’ is a complicated subject as well as the topic of past life regression, since none of the psychological/ psychosomatic techniques are 100% full proof.
I don’t know why the presenter of the show gifts a teleshopping artifact "Suraksha Kavach". Ravi Kissan hopping to the end the show pointing towards the regression couch as "Samay Rath" defiantly creeps one out especially those who have watched too many time travel brutal ending movies.
-K Himaanshu Meehirs' Shukla...
December 18, 2009
Natty fashion fundas...by Terence...
Dance India Dance season-2 will start today and I am excited and not happy at the same time. Happy because I like the show, I like DID due to four reasons :
1) Mithon is grand master , I respect him he is very kind hearted man.
2) quality and flavors’ of dance.
3) big fan of Geeta maa(…I like her bubbly cheeks with sweet dimples) and Terence ji.
4) because of Mimoh. Not happy because it will be aired at 9:30 p.m which means it is pitted against half of ‘Bigg Boss’. Me and my roomies are big fan of ‘Bigg Boss’ and we used to watch ‘Raaz Pichle Janam Ka’ when ‘Bigg Boss’ gives a break after 9:30 p.m.
1) Mithon is grand master , I respect him he is very kind hearted man.
2) quality and flavors’ of dance.
3) big fan of Geeta maa(…I like her bubbly cheeks with sweet dimples) and Terence ji.
4) because of Mimoh. Not happy because it will be aired at 9:30 p.m which means it is pitted against half of ‘Bigg Boss’. Me and my roomies are big fan of ‘Bigg Boss’ and we used to watch ‘Raaz Pichle Janam Ka’ when ‘Bigg Boss’ gives a break after 9:30 p.m.
December 16, 2009
Publicity graph of some Bigg Boss contestants... including Iranis...
I apologized I forgot to add Iranis’ in my previous post (http://scrutinybykhimaanshu.blogspot.com/2009/12/publicity-graph-of-some-bigg-boss.html ). Iranis’ were not ignored deliberately, I realized it after getting bad comments’/ emails’/ smss’ from well wishers and near & dears of Iranis’.
Rakkesh, Rajis’, Delooo, Kaya, Kavya, Arsh, Timmy, Chiks and Shabby extremely sorry.
Rakkesh, Rajis’, Delooo, Kaya, Kavya, Arsh, Timmy, Chiks and Shabby extremely sorry.

December 15, 2009
Publicity graph of some Bigg Boss contestants...
Publicity graph of some Bigg Boss contestants. It’s based on how many times their name is searched on internet.
Source : google

December 09, 2009
Mathematics before launching a new serial
It is indeed a tough job to be in the shoes of a programming head, for that matter in recent times, the shoe pinches even the channel’s marketing head. More so, when the TRPs of programs of that channel are sliding downwards and the channel has to fight to beat competition. Each time a new show is proclaimed one tries to figure out the mathematics that has gone into it to get it right. Sometimes they get it wrong too but the one who does not expect much have always got their mathematics right?
As I tried to understand this complex business of which show at what channel and what time and which production house and which actor/ actress and what type I am more and more convinced that you have to be a mathematician J to get it right. There has to be faultless calculation and the right permutation and combination. If you master the recipe that glues viewers to watch a particular show then the chances are you will get it right in the end.
This week saw two new shows –‘Raaz Pichle Janam Ka’ on NDTV Imagine and ‘Pratigya’ on Star Plus. RPJK is a reality show on past-life regression. Contestants are hypnotized and then quizzed about their past lives.
RPJK is produced by The Ideas Box, of Amar Chitra Katha Pvt Media now delves in a heavy-duty adult TV show. I must confess I was glued to the show last to lasr night. A homemaker from Bhopal Swati Singh, has a fear of flying. After past life degeneration she revealed that she was killed in an air-crash. The shocking was the fact that the aircraft that crashed had also carried nuclear physicist Homi Jehangir Bhabha.
After Rakhi Ka Swayamvar (… :D)and Pati, Patni aur Woh, NDTV Imagine has once again chosen interesting reality show(….I find Swayamwar and Pati Patni intresting only and only because of the great master piece Rakhi Sawant ).
I have two complaints for Razz Pichle Janam Ka- 1) the timing and the choice of the host. A show like this cannot be aired at 9.30 pm(….bcos Bigg Boss is aired on this time slot). The host Ravi Kissen was awkward, looked lost and over-dramatic(….like her melodramatic sister Rakhi Sawant). In yesterdays episode he wear Pink Shirt with Red tie a total misfit (… well I think that combination was invented by Bhav Aman Chawla, Splits Villa-2 contestant).
Coming to Pratigya, it is the story of an ordinary girl’s (…as usual, same gishi piti story)resolve to regain her respect. Got feedback from one of my friend. She said the show started well and managed to sustain interest throughout. Kunal Kapoor, the paan-chewing Angad who plays the eve teaser is worth a mention apart from the concept of Pratigya. Pooja Gor who played the lead role as Pratigya looks good. My friend said the first episode was praiseworthy but I think it’s too early to predict its fate. After Balika Vadhu shows with social messages are currently in fashion this one better be different if it has to help put Star back in the race.
Now, the crucial aspect of the time slots of both the shows. Raaz Pichle Janam Ka airs at 9.30 pm which means it is pitted against half of Bigg Boss(which airs from 9-10pm), Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (the driver show for Star) and the critically applauded Ladies Special on Sony which gets premature burial as it ends on Dec 11. Going by the interest generated in its launch episode Imagine may give the others some sleepless nights.
Pratigya which airs at 10.30 pm competes with the highly rated Colors show, Na Aana Is Des Laado and Aap ki Antara on Zee. 10.30pm has been a holy slot for Star(….remember Ektajis Kyuki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahut Thi), hope it works for them yet again.
Hope Star and Imagine got their mathematics right.
As I tried to understand this complex business of which show at what channel and what time and which production house and which actor/ actress and what type I am more and more convinced that you have to be a mathematician J to get it right. There has to be faultless calculation and the right permutation and combination. If you master the recipe that glues viewers to watch a particular show then the chances are you will get it right in the end.
This week saw two new shows –‘Raaz Pichle Janam Ka’ on NDTV Imagine and ‘Pratigya’ on Star Plus. RPJK is a reality show on past-life regression. Contestants are hypnotized and then quizzed about their past lives.
RPJK is produced by The Ideas Box, of Amar Chitra Katha Pvt Media now delves in a heavy-duty adult TV show. I must confess I was glued to the show last to lasr night. A homemaker from Bhopal Swati Singh, has a fear of flying. After past life degeneration she revealed that she was killed in an air-crash. The shocking was the fact that the aircraft that crashed had also carried nuclear physicist Homi Jehangir Bhabha.
After Rakhi Ka Swayamvar (… :D)and Pati, Patni aur Woh, NDTV Imagine has once again chosen interesting reality show(….I find Swayamwar and Pati Patni intresting only and only because of the great master piece Rakhi Sawant ).
I have two complaints for Razz Pichle Janam Ka- 1) the timing and the choice of the host. A show like this cannot be aired at 9.30 pm(….bcos Bigg Boss is aired on this time slot). The host Ravi Kissen was awkward, looked lost and over-dramatic(….like her melodramatic sister Rakhi Sawant). In yesterdays episode he wear Pink Shirt with Red tie a total misfit (… well I think that combination was invented by Bhav Aman Chawla, Splits Villa-2 contestant).
Coming to Pratigya, it is the story of an ordinary girl’s (…as usual, same gishi piti story)resolve to regain her respect. Got feedback from one of my friend. She said the show started well and managed to sustain interest throughout. Kunal Kapoor, the paan-chewing Angad who plays the eve teaser is worth a mention apart from the concept of Pratigya. Pooja Gor who played the lead role as Pratigya looks good. My friend said the first episode was praiseworthy but I think it’s too early to predict its fate. After Balika Vadhu shows with social messages are currently in fashion this one better be different if it has to help put Star back in the race.
Now, the crucial aspect of the time slots of both the shows. Raaz Pichle Janam Ka airs at 9.30 pm which means it is pitted against half of Bigg Boss(which airs from 9-10pm), Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (the driver show for Star) and the critically applauded Ladies Special on Sony which gets premature burial as it ends on Dec 11. Going by the interest generated in its launch episode Imagine may give the others some sleepless nights.
Pratigya which airs at 10.30 pm competes with the highly rated Colors show, Na Aana Is Des Laado and Aap ki Antara on Zee. 10.30pm has been a holy slot for Star(….remember Ektajis Kyuki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahut Thi), hope it works for them yet again.
Hope Star and Imagine got their mathematics right.
December 07, 2009
December 04, 2009
Wrong perceptions...
One of my good friend let’s say Sheena(Pseudo name) pinged me yesterday and angrily said “I hate you himaanshu........you r immature....u've spoiled my day”. She was angry b’cos she thought the blog where I said Happy Birthday to a Bloody Moron was for her close friend (…let’s say Sameer).
Sameer was my ex-project mate. He and me were good friends a couple of months ago, sometimes relationships don’t always go the way we plan. Some gap, some misunderstanding and some miscommunication spoiled our friends ship. May be our EGOs played important role in destroying our bond(…I think I am more Egoistic).
The point is why would I post a blog on Sameer’s birthday? And If I had written that for him then why would my friends who don’t even know who is this Sameer, post a comments on it.
Sheena once said why I used Sameer's name in my blog ‘Teenagers love and itching on the tree trunk‘. It was a very common name, one can easily find atleast 2-3 guys with that name in each local train. There are crore’s of peoples with that name and there are lakh’s of people who share birthday with him.
May be you guys are thinking why I am giving explanation if I hadn’t written blog for that person. I am giving explanation b’cos I want to clear the mess up from Sheena’s mind that keeps bugging her.
I write blogs because I like blogging I never intended to hurt anyone.
Her perception about me is wrong, I hope her opinion about me will change and we will remain good friends forever. If she still don’t want to talk with me or hate me then it ok.
-K Himaanshu Meehirs' Shukla...
Sameer was my ex-project mate. He and me were good friends a couple of months ago, sometimes relationships don’t always go the way we plan. Some gap, some misunderstanding and some miscommunication spoiled our friends ship. May be our EGOs played important role in destroying our bond(…I think I am more Egoistic).
The point is why would I post a blog on Sameer’s birthday? And If I had written that for him then why would my friends who don’t even know who is this Sameer, post a comments on it.
Sheena once said why I used Sameer's name in my blog ‘Teenagers love and itching on the tree trunk‘. It was a very common name, one can easily find atleast 2-3 guys with that name in each local train. There are crore’s of peoples with that name and there are lakh’s of people who share birthday with him.
May be you guys are thinking why I am giving explanation if I hadn’t written blog for that person. I am giving explanation b’cos I want to clear the mess up from Sheena’s mind that keeps bugging her.
I write blogs because I like blogging I never intended to hurt anyone.
Her perception about me is wrong, I hope her opinion about me will change and we will remain good friends forever. If she still don’t want to talk with me or hate me then it ok.
-K Himaanshu Meehirs' Shukla...
December 02, 2009
Difference between 'www.google.com' and 'www.google.co.in'
Now we know what Indians want more than anything else :)
Type 'removing' in search text box on http://www.google.co.in/

See the difference between matching search criterias.
[dot com(.com) refers to a commercial website. dot co (.co) would be sites at specific countries. Like co.in for India, co.uk for United Kingdom, co.nz for New zealand. For eg. www. google.com opens as http://www.google.co.in/ in India.]
Wish you an unhappy birthday bloody moron...
December 01, 2009
World AIDS Day!

World AIDS Day! Today, 1 December, the whole world is honoring those infected and affected with HIV/AIDS, along with those who have passed away. Since 1981, the disease has afflicted millions of people all over the world.
Today there are 65 million people in the world who live with AIDS. There have been 25 million deaths. The numbers are staggering. One adult in a hundred in the world is living with HIV. In parts of Africa, it is one in three.
People around the world continue to fight about how to prevent AIDS -- self-denial still wins over condoms, needle exchange is still forbidden in many places, homophobia and sexism still keep people from being able to protect themselves.
"Stop AIDS!. Keep the Promise!."
Get educated and spread the message!..
-K Himaanshu Shukla..
-K Himaanshu Shukla..
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