October 11, 2024

What Are You Craving?


We recently received new laptops and iPhones from our company. Until now, I had never used an iPhone, and a friend of mine started teasing me, saying, "You work at an amazing company; what else do you need?"

Yesterday, I shared my mutual fund portfolio with a fund manager, who remarked on its impressive growth. He asked, "What else do you need?"

I wanted to lose weight but dreaded going to the gym. However, I’ve been going regularly for over three weeks now, and I can already see progress. A friend noticed the visible change and when I expressed my desire to lose more weight, she said, "You’re blessed! You look much fitter in such a short time. I’m trying too, but I can’t seem to lose an inch. Losing weight quickly is great—what more could you want?"

Last night, before going to bed, I asked myself, "What else do you need? What are you craving?

September 17, 2024

See you soon Bappa

I've seen many people disrespect Bappa by using POP idols or disposing of them in a disgraceful manner. I've also witnessed people deeply moved, whispering their wishes into HIS large ears as they bid him farewell. Some even tie his favourite modak to his hand.

July 30, 2024

Why Mita Vashisht’s Goodbye to Irrfan Khan Deserves Empathy, Not Criticism

Mita Vashisht recently shared how she tried to say a final goodbye to her friend Irrfan Khan at the cemetery. 

She said, "They didn’t let me in because women weren’t allowed inside. I stood outside near the barricade. Later, when they finally brought his remains, I was able to say my final goodbye. But then, unexpectedly, they came back and walked past me. The procession was so close to me that I laughed and said to myself, 'See, you came to say goodbye to me.'"

July 07, 2024

#Collections: Part 4- A Guide to HashTable in Java


What is a Hashtable?

Java Hashtable class implements Map, which maps keys to values.  It operates on the concept of Hashing, where each key is converted by a hash function into a distinct index in an array. The index functions as a storage location for the matching value. Here is the declaration for java.util.Hashtable class.

public class Hashtable < K,V > extends Dictionary implements Map < K,V >, Cloneable, Serializable

where, K is the type of keys maintained by this map and V is the type of mapped values.

July 06, 2024

#Collections: Part 3- A Guide to HashMap in Java


How null key is handled in HashMap? Since equals() and hashCode() are used to store and retrieve values, how does it work in the case of the null key?

In the Java HashMap when the key is null the hashcode() method is not called. Null keys always map to hash 0 and are put inside the bucket 0.

Here is the implementation of the hash method of HashMap:

static final int hash(Object key) {
 int h;
 return (key == null) ? 0 : (h = key.hashCode()) ^ (h > > > 16);

We can see for the null key the hashcode() method is not called, instead puts the key in bucket 0. HashMap uses a linked list to manage multiple objects in the bucket. And if there are already objects in bucket 0, the null object will be appended to the linkedlist of bucket 0.

When we call the get() method, it will call getNode(), which internally calls a hash() method to get the bucket number. Since the key is null, it will return 0. 

How remove() method in HashMap work internally in Java?

To understand how the remove method of HashMap works, we first need to understand the Entry object. FYI, till Java 7, Entry was used after Java 8 it was replaced with Node.

Map.Entry is the static nested class that stores the key/value pair that forms one element of HashMap. Entry object stores in the bucket in the following way (hash,key,value,bucketindex).

That means we need hashvalue and bucketindex besides the key to get access to the desired Entry object in HashMap.

remove(key) method calls the removeEntryForKey(key) method internally, which calculates the final hashValue of the key object and then uses that hashValue in the indexFor(int) method to find the first entry object in the appropriate bucket.

Since bucket(table) is a LinkedList effectively, we start traversing from the first entry object which we got by using the indexFor(int,int) method in the bucket. For each entry object in the bucket, we compare whether hashValue and the key are equal to the calculated hashValue in the first step and the key passed as a parameter in the remove(key) method.

If desired Entry object is found, then we removed that single entry object from the LinkedList. Removing a single Entry object from the LinkedList is implemented just like removing a single object from the LinkedList.

HashMap implementation of the remove(key) method in Java APIs that is rt.jar till Java 7:

In Java 8, the remove method calls removeNode.

Why String is a popular HashMap key in Java?

Since String is immutable, its hashcode is cached at the time of creation and it doesn’t need to be calculated again. This makes it a great candidate for keys in a Map and its processing is faster than other HashMap key objects. This is why String is mostly used Object as HashMap keys.

What is the load factor of a HashMap and how does it affect performance?

In Java's HashMap implementation, the load factor is a measure that determines when the underlying hash table should be resized to accommodate more elements. It is a floating-point value (from 0 to 1) that represents the ratio of the number of elements in the hash table (size) to the number of buckets (capacity or threshold).

The load factor is defined as size/capacity. When the load factor threshold is exceeded, the HashMap increases the capacity of the hash table by roughly doubling the number of buckets (this is done to maintain the efficiency of the hash table operations). Existing entries are redistributed (rehashed) into the new larger table, which involves recalculating hash codes and reassigning entries to new buckets.

The default load factor in Java is 0.75 (75% of the capacity). This means that when the number of elements in the map reaches 75% of the total capacity, the map will resize itself to double the capacity (by default).

A higher load factor means that the hash map can hold more elements before resizing, which reduces memory overhead but increases the likelihood of collisions (different keys hashing to the same bucket). A lower load factor means the hash table will resize more often, consuming more memory but potentially reducing collisions and improving lookup times.

The load factor can be specified when creating a HashMap by using the constructor that allows you to set both the initial capacity and the load factor. e.g, HashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)

How can you iterate over a HashMap?

What will be the output of the below program?

HashMap < ArrayList , String> al = new HashMap < ArrayList ,, String>();
ArrayList l1=new ArrayList();
ArrayList l2=new ArrayList();
al.put(l1,  "l1");
al.put(l2,  "l2");

Output will be "Size=1", because l1.equals(l2) will return true. But suppose you add an element in l1 or l2 then the output might or might not be 1 depending on the reference of String added in the l1 and l2.

-K Himaanshu Shuklaa..

#Collections: Part 2- A Guide to HashMap in Java

What is Hash Map in Java?

In Java, a HashMap is a data structure that implements the Map interface and stores key-value pairs. It allows you to store and retrieve elements based on keys rather than indexes.

HashMap allows a single null key and multiple null values. This means one key can be null, but duplicate keys are not permitted, as keys must be unique.

HashMap maintains performance even with an increasing number of elements by automatically resizing itself when the number of elements exceeds a certain threshold (the load factor). This ensures effective memory utilization.

The sequence in which entries in a hash map are iterated is not fixed and can vary over time, particularly if the structure is altered by adding or deleting members. If order is important, consider using LinkedHashMap or TreeMap.

#Collections: Part 1- A Guide to Map in Java

What is a Map in Java?

In Java, a Map is an interface that represents a collection of key-value pairs where each key is unique within the Map, and it maps to exactly one value. It is part of the Java Collections Framework and provides methods to manipulate and retrieve data based on the keys.

July 05, 2024

#Collections: A Guide to Spliterator in Java

What is a Spliterator?

  • A Spliterator is an iterator-like object that can traverse and partition sequences of elements. It combines the functionalities of an Iterator and a Splitter, allowing efficient parallel traversal and decomposition of elements from a source. It supports both sequential and parallel processing of data structures.
  • A Spliterator can traverse and split the underlying data source into multiple parts for concurrent processing. This makes it suitable for parallel computation.
  • Unlike traditional Iterators, Spliterators can partition off some of their elements, which can be processed in parallel by different threads. This feature enhances performance for large data sets.
  • Spliterators are designed to be stateless and immutable. This ensures that they can safely be used concurrently by multiple threads without interference.
  • Spliterators can be either ordered or unordered. Ordered spliterators maintain a specific order of elements (e.g., in a list or array), while unordered spliterators do not guarantee any specific order (e.g., in a set or hash map).

#Collections: A Guide to Iterator in Java

What is an Iterator?

Iterator is an interface, which is found in java.util package. It provides a way to access elements of a collection sequentially without exposing its underlying implementation. 

The iterator allows the traversal of elements and supports removing elements during iteration. The Iterator interface has three main methods:
  • boolean hasNext(): Returns true if there are more elements in the collection.
  • E next(): Returns the next element in the collection.
  • void remove(): Removes the last element returned by next() from the collection (optional operation).

June 10, 2024

Kajol's co-star Noor Malabika Das found dead in Mumbai home

Actress and former flight attendant Noor Malabika Das was found dead at her home in Mumbai, according to police reports. Known for her role in the web series 'The Trial' starring Bollywood star Kajol, Noor was discovered dead on June 6. The police believe it was a suicide, but they are still investigating.

June 03, 2024

May 31, 2024

Dalljiet Kaur's husband Nikhil Patel hopes she finds happiness and peace

Bigg Boss 13 fame Dalljiet Kaur married Nikhil Patel, a businessman from Kenya, in a big wedding in Mumbai last March. She moved to Kenya with her son Jaydon after the marriage. However, their relationship faced problems within a year, leading to their separation. Recently, Dalljiet accused Nikhil of having an affair, which drew media attention. Nikhil now wants to address these accusations on social media and shared his side of the story.

April 06, 2024

Letter to Krishna to improve manager's behavior

Dear Krishna,

I want to express my gratitude for giving me the opportunity to work in this amazing company where I have the chance to grow both technically and financially. Everything has been going smoothly, but there is one concern I have regarding the behaviour of my manager. His surname suggests that he is a member of a sect that holds you to be the supreme being.

Could you please bring him closer to you? Fill his life with happiness, and keep his family healthy and joyful. Help him to grow professionally and financially. Make him understand that if someone suffers, cries, or feels disheartened because of his behaviour, then it's bad karma.

I would like to see him spreading love, appreciating the efforts of our team members, and allowing us to work from home. I would like him to see his loved ones in us. Make him more compassionate towards us.

Thank you for everything.

Yours loving baby,
-K Himaanshu Shuklaa

March 28, 2024

What's GOOD in Good Friday?


The 'Good' in Good Friday signifies the goodness of Jesus.

In the Gospel of Luke, it is mentioned that Jesus asked for forgiveness for those who were responsible for his crucifixion.

March 11, 2024

Sagar Di Vohti Lendi Indica Chala Lyrics

Load teri pae gayi ae drivari maine,
Lagda ae poora tajuraba ae tenu.

Fees kini chahi di ve chheti samjha?

Immediately hai koi meri majburi,
mainu chheti de drivery sikha.

February 26, 2024

Legendary singer Pankaj Udhas dies at 72


Renowned singer Pankaj Udhas, known for his beautiful ghazals like Chitti Ayi Hai and Chandi Jaisa Rang, has passed away today. He was a Padmashri awardee and a music legend. 

His daughter Nayaab Udhas shared the news on Instagram, saying that he had been battling illness for some time. She wrote, "With a very heavy heart, we are saddened to inform of sad demise of Padmashri Pankaj Udhas on 26th February 2024 due to prolonged illness."