The episode begins with,hearing abt dadajis return sourabh n cousins start to pack everything as soon as possible n reach home befor dadaji , sourabh starts yelling at suku umesh asks sourabh ti=o keep mum as suku is the one who reaches first to lend hand whenever help needed, everybody rushes home nisha asks mishra to come home n she shall pay him there, umesh asks how will she , nisha says think abt it later but first lets get home before dadaji.
On reaching home nisha asks umesh to take everyone home n she will manage mishra, nisha offers bike keys to mishra, kirti sees this n says nishas gone insane she id giving scooty for which she had fought a lot, umesh says its all bcoz of suku, while dadajis car passes by nisha he sees nisha talking to mishra, the cousins try to signal nisha who is unaware abt it, cousins hide behind a tree, dadaji seeing nisha gets off his car nisha turns around n sees dadaji behind her , dadaji asks nisha how was the party mishra says he is here for parties money n nisha gave her scooty to pay the bill, dadji takes keys bacj=k n ask mishra to leave saying he shall send the amount to his shop by tomorrow, dadji asks nisha where are others nisha says thers no one shez alone, dadji says i had made arule no gal shd step out after 8pm, nisha says if something is gonna happen it can happen at daytime also, dadaji yells at nisha for back answering , seeing this cousins decide to go n confess to dadji suku offers mint to hide abt drinking, cousins go in front of dadaji, dadaji says oh i was waiting for u donkeys he looks at jwala n says i didn’t expect jwala to be here n looks at kirtis n dollys short clothes n asks sourabh to leave as his mom must be worried n says u people must have thought that ur plans would never reach me, dadji shows them a message reading atm withdrawal, nisha says they were partying amongst themselves n were carrying pepper spary, dadaji says n wat abt these short clothes n time limits, nisha says that the money they withdrwed was from their pocket money , dadaji says ur pocket money this house where u leave now is not built by mere money but all my hardship, nisha asks just to trust them atleast once, dadaji says trust is not asked but gained.
Kirti says they all were together n abt the money suku but nisha stops her, kiri says we are ready to apologies, everyone apologies except nisha, on compelled by cousins nisha says sorry dadaji says ask for sorry when u mean it n u will when u will be punished,cosins n dadaji walk home.
Dolly says she wants to talk to summit but the battery is low, umesh brings noodles to eat kirti says dadjis scoldings weren’t enough, umesh says they were but not as tasty as noodles, suku sits aside nisha says stop acting n have food, kirti is unable to find chargers she says i guess dadaji has taken chargers as punishment, n she is gonna have an imp call from jatin, suku says since morning she had 98 calls from him n u received none, dooly says omg u broke up with jatin as well, kirti says yes bcoz he has lot of gaps in his teeth n that symbolises unromantic person, suku tries surprising kirti by showing her a charger he had hidden, but kirti is busy criticizing jatin, suku says take this multi charger n says see how much i care for u, nisha says today wat have u done is wrong, suku gets angry n walks out n comes back running n jumps n bed saying mummy is here, his mom enters n says wat is this wat have u done nisha wat if dadaji sees this, nisha says mom we already met him, laxmi(mummy)says oh god this means u have been scolded now wat, nisha sys chill tomorrow is Sunday n so go n rest we will manage, laxmi goes away nisha says umesh bhaiya tomorrow is Sunday papa will go off to sleep late n its my duty to take him to breakfat table in night, umesh says i hate Sundays to i have to help each money separately as dadaji selects the best recipe tomorrow n its stressful nisha says she can understand.
Sunday morning all the cousins are asleep, bunty wakes nisha by splashing water on her face nisg=ha wakes up n starts saying dadaji i haven’t done anything plz forgive us, bunty laughs n says this is all bcoz u didn’t take bunty to party n runs away , nisha follows bunty to hit him but dashes umesh n basket of vegetable falls down , nisha asks umesh wat is singham(dadaji) doing next since suku has flopped his charger punishment,umesh says i don’t think he will do anything he must have forgotten abt it.
Nisha helps him pick vegetables n says how are u so positive today umesh says its the power of food n u know wat today i have decided that every mummy will cook pakodas using vegetable that matches their personality n she wont understand as its deep,nisha says ok come lets supply veges in Jurassic park , yes our home the Jurassic park which have all kind of dinausors, look therevirendra uncle, virendra calls vimla n asks her to arrange for water for his bath, nisha says lets proceed ,she goes to her dads room n says look this is happy go luck dinausor, her mummy laxmi comes n says are umesh which pakode m cooking plz tell i have lots of preparations to be done,umesh says laxmi chichi here is loki for u.
Umesh says to nisha laxmi chichi is so sweet she always mixes her words in tension, nisha says look at these two dinos always together discussing something, roopan chichi looks at umesh n says wat m i using in my pakodas, umesh says lady finger, she says no umesh it takes lot of efforts, nisha says don’t worry chachi we have rukmavati, chachi says ur right nisha n u rukmavati the work shd be clean n use the mixer properly its from foreign n if u spoil it i shall never give u salary, nisha says umesh bhaiya its 10 go make ur pakodas dadaji must be coming. Laxmi tries to wake her husband ramesh when she hears her mother in law asking for tea, laxmi says omg i gave plants tea instead of water in tension n goes out n by mistake the door gets locked from iniside, her mother in law n she tries to bang door to wake ramesh n save him from dadajis scoldings.
Nisha says in this house i suku n mom dad are the most responsible ones, dadaji says yes u are n u showed one such act last night.
On reaching home nisha asks umesh to take everyone home n she will manage mishra, nisha offers bike keys to mishra, kirti sees this n says nishas gone insane she id giving scooty for which she had fought a lot, umesh says its all bcoz of suku, while dadajis car passes by nisha he sees nisha talking to mishra, the cousins try to signal nisha who is unaware abt it, cousins hide behind a tree, dadaji seeing nisha gets off his car nisha turns around n sees dadaji behind her , dadaji asks nisha how was the party mishra says he is here for parties money n nisha gave her scooty to pay the bill, dadji takes keys bacj=k n ask mishra to leave saying he shall send the amount to his shop by tomorrow, dadji asks nisha where are others nisha says thers no one shez alone, dadji says i had made arule no gal shd step out after 8pm, nisha says if something is gonna happen it can happen at daytime also, dadaji yells at nisha for back answering , seeing this cousins decide to go n confess to dadji suku offers mint to hide abt drinking, cousins go in front of dadaji, dadaji says oh i was waiting for u donkeys he looks at jwala n says i didn’t expect jwala to be here n looks at kirtis n dollys short clothes n asks sourabh to leave as his mom must be worried n says u people must have thought that ur plans would never reach me, dadji shows them a message reading atm withdrawal, nisha says they were partying amongst themselves n were carrying pepper spary, dadaji says n wat abt these short clothes n time limits, nisha says that the money they withdrwed was from their pocket money , dadaji says ur pocket money this house where u leave now is not built by mere money but all my hardship, nisha asks just to trust them atleast once, dadaji says trust is not asked but gained.
Kirti says they all were together n abt the money suku but nisha stops her, kiri says we are ready to apologies, everyone apologies except nisha, on compelled by cousins nisha says sorry dadaji says ask for sorry when u mean it n u will when u will be punished,cosins n dadaji walk home.
Dolly says she wants to talk to summit but the battery is low, umesh brings noodles to eat kirti says dadjis scoldings weren’t enough, umesh says they were but not as tasty as noodles, suku sits aside nisha says stop acting n have food, kirti is unable to find chargers she says i guess dadaji has taken chargers as punishment, n she is gonna have an imp call from jatin, suku says since morning she had 98 calls from him n u received none, dooly says omg u broke up with jatin as well, kirti says yes bcoz he has lot of gaps in his teeth n that symbolises unromantic person, suku tries surprising kirti by showing her a charger he had hidden, but kirti is busy criticizing jatin, suku says take this multi charger n says see how much i care for u, nisha says today wat have u done is wrong, suku gets angry n walks out n comes back running n jumps n bed saying mummy is here, his mom enters n says wat is this wat have u done nisha wat if dadaji sees this, nisha says mom we already met him, laxmi(mummy)says oh god this means u have been scolded now wat, nisha sys chill tomorrow is Sunday n so go n rest we will manage, laxmi goes away nisha says umesh bhaiya tomorrow is Sunday papa will go off to sleep late n its my duty to take him to breakfat table in night, umesh says i hate Sundays to i have to help each money separately as dadaji selects the best recipe tomorrow n its stressful nisha says she can understand.
Sunday morning all the cousins are asleep, bunty wakes nisha by splashing water on her face nisg=ha wakes up n starts saying dadaji i haven’t done anything plz forgive us, bunty laughs n says this is all bcoz u didn’t take bunty to party n runs away , nisha follows bunty to hit him but dashes umesh n basket of vegetable falls down , nisha asks umesh wat is singham(dadaji) doing next since suku has flopped his charger punishment,umesh says i don’t think he will do anything he must have forgotten abt it.
Nisha helps him pick vegetables n says how are u so positive today umesh says its the power of food n u know wat today i have decided that every mummy will cook pakodas using vegetable that matches their personality n she wont understand as its deep,nisha says ok come lets supply veges in Jurassic park , yes our home the Jurassic park which have all kind of dinausors, look therevirendra uncle, virendra calls vimla n asks her to arrange for water for his bath, nisha says lets proceed ,she goes to her dads room n says look this is happy go luck dinausor, her mummy laxmi comes n says are umesh which pakode m cooking plz tell i have lots of preparations to be done,umesh says laxmi chichi here is loki for u.
Umesh says to nisha laxmi chichi is so sweet she always mixes her words in tension, nisha says look at these two dinos always together discussing something, roopan chichi looks at umesh n says wat m i using in my pakodas, umesh says lady finger, she says no umesh it takes lot of efforts, nisha says don’t worry chachi we have rukmavati, chachi says ur right nisha n u rukmavati the work shd be clean n use the mixer properly its from foreign n if u spoil it i shall never give u salary, nisha says umesh bhaiya its 10 go make ur pakodas dadaji must be coming. Laxmi tries to wake her husband ramesh when she hears her mother in law asking for tea, laxmi says omg i gave plants tea instead of water in tension n goes out n by mistake the door gets locked from iniside, her mother in law n she tries to bang door to wake ramesh n save him from dadajis scoldings.
Nisha says in this house i suku n mom dad are the most responsible ones, dadaji says yes u are n u showed one such act last night.

Copyright © 2014 - ScrutinyByKHimaanshu
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