October 26, 2020

Shubho Bijoya

Went to the Versova beach after 8 months, and this is what I saw. 

Every year we celebrate Navaratri with great zeal and fervor, bring idols of Maa Durga for 9 days. And on the 10th day, once the festivities are over we discard the idols at the nearby beaches, lakes or river.

If you get the time from your busy schedule, please have a look at the water of our Arabian Sea, which is turned black because of plastic, industrial waste, garbage and sewage. 

Put your hand on your heart and ask yourself, would you take a bath or drink this toxic water? Will you allow your kids to play in it. NOOOOOO. If you can't then how DARE you immerse idols of Maa Durga in it? First of all why we need to bring Plaster of Paris (PoP) idols and throw them in the sea? Why?

We bid adieu to Maa Durga with chants of 'asche bochor abar hobe' (it will be repeated next year), but when I saw idols in such pathetic condition, with a heavy heart I told Maa 'tumi abar mat esho' (don't come next year)💔

The beaches are supposed to be majestic, but unfortunately they are in a pitiable state because of broken idols, flower, food offerings and debris strewn all around. 

The pandemic, and this corona virus, it's our collective karma, for the hell sake stop blaming God or year 2020 or China because YOU are responsible for everything that is happening. If we keep on destroying Mother Earth like this, please prepare yourself for more pandemics and deadly viruses. Please act before its too late. PLEASE.

Bless You..

-K Himaanshu Shuklaa..

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