June 17, 2022

Having faith in God keeps poisonous individuals at bay?

"If I have a lot of faith in God, would he keep the bad individuals away from me?" a friend of mine questioned.

I asked the question to the Universe, and God answered in the form of a dream. The gracious God affirmed:

I am welcoming you with open arms. I am with you and within you.

I'm here to heal your wounds and pour pure love into your heart. I am also willing to fight battles on your behalf. All you have to do is put your FAITH in me.

But my loving child, your faith in me will not guarantee that you will not encounter Satan.

Yes, toxic people with vampire energy will enter your life to divert your attention and drain your soul power. 

But my most adorable creation, your trust in me will lead, protect, and comfort you. Your faith in me will grant you the wisdom to invest your life in something more worthwhile rather than wasting it on people, who came into your life to distract you.

The faith in me will help you understand that they come into your life to pay off their karmic debts from the past. 

Such people will not be deterred by your faith in me. But I can assure you, that faith will provide you with the ability to forgive them.

It will also give you the strength to humbly apologize to them because you unintentionally or knowingly crossed paths with them. 

Two souls will be healed when you forgive and seek forgiveness, my child. 

Faith in me will not keep poisonous individuals at bay. Instead, it will help you in healing them as well as yourself.

-K Himaanshu Shuklaa..


  1. Very well written. Yes, faith in our Gracious God ensures that we can withstand any negative forces that we come in contact with.

  2. Baat toh sahi hai.. well written 🙏🌸
