Last week 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa' judges Karan Johar, Madhuri Dixit and Remo Dsouza used their 'veto' power and decided to take Isha Sharvani forward to the semi-final round which will be shot today. Most probably she will not be eliminated today, as last week the audience voting has been closed only for her.
Isha, Rashami, Gurmeet, Bharti or Rithvik...Who will be eliminated next in Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa? Post your views in the comment section..
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ReplyDeleteI agree, she is a god person and a very good comedian but nota dancer,, I respect her
DeleteGurmeet should be eliminated, But the channel will play their games and make him win, The true talented one is Isha, but they will mess the votes and make Gurmeet Win.. So ideally this is going to be a manipulated result Elimination should be Gurmeet for this coming week .. Isha is the true dancer and winner of JDJ.. Rithvik is also a better dancer than Gurmeet..
ReplyDeleteisha is only a gymanstic dancer not a true dancer..ya i too felt same at start n later i got bored seeing her gymanstics...but i accept gurmeet as truely a performer..he is the only onw who gave differences in all parts..others didnt..just applying butter on judges...
Deleteu said it absolutely correct. we all wish only gurmeet win
DeleteIsha made this position by her beautiful performances tht judges used veto power for her ( kuch tau baat hai) she proved her self on the basis of her talent & got this importance in the eyes of judges she truly desrves to win unlike gurmeet who only changed his getups & did nautanki he shub b eliminated
DeleteIsha is a professional dancer, ritvikwas dancing before in Dubai
DeleteWhen professionals and dancers take part in dance compition it make inferior other people. Isha should not win beside she should not be allow to take part in jhalak
I think Isha is not a dancer and what she is doing is not dancing and it is not fair to the other contestants.she need to leave the show.
DeleteThe judges are not fair to rest of the contestants because Isha is a professional dancer she really need to leave the show.Putting her in the semi-final is not being fair to rest of contestants.If you are hurt you should not allow to continue.So the judges need to do their homework.
ReplyDeleteGurmeet should be eliminated... They will eliminate Rithvik
ReplyDeletestop ur nonsense anonymous ............... gumeet is d best ......... he is d king of expresion nd versatile dancer ...... gc is a winner ........
ReplyDeletetrue...i has reached this height with his performance step by step..rashmi n rithwik wer brought up in middle...isha..can any one say can a fracture be healed in 3 weeks..i got a crack in foot n it took 3 weeks 4 me..fracture is beyond it..they r making fools of us...
Deletedat bharti should be eliminated .......... jdj seems like comedy circus ..........
ReplyDeleteGurmeet looks like a girl, no manly features. Rithvik is better dancer & more consistent in his dancing at least he is not getting fraud & manipulated votes.
ReplyDeleteThe robotic dance Gurmeet does he is fit to be in the museum.. Lacks flexibility. Rithivik is a better dancer with good skills.
am sure you r be one of the jealous creature of gurmeet . u must be the only one on the planet stating him to be girlish .are you a professional dancer to comment on his flexibility ??? u can be a supporter of any actors but that dosent mean u can say anything abt others and we ll sit quiet . wat do u know abt him committing abt fraud ??? do u hav sources from the channel ?? bad mouthing without knowing anything is nt good .
Deleteif u feel that Gurmeet looks like a girl. I feel that Rithwik looks like a monkey let loose from the zoo, jumping all over the place..
DeleteGurmeet does not look like a girl, did you ever see his psychic , he is so well built
DeleteAnd Rugdy. He can kill any girl with his expression
if gurmeet is a girl than ritwik is a idiot
DeleteBharti should go..and If Isha can't perform, she should go..
ReplyDeleteThey can just give the trophy to Miss delicate - Isha who has been revelling in her past glory and without any dancing/votes has breezed into Semi final which is so unfair to the others ..Wonder why those are not seen as games played by the channel ! This show is abt a non dancer learning to dance and not about someone who walks on ropes getting into a competition
ReplyDeleteI personally feel Isha shd be out cos if she is indeed injured no ways she can do a dance which is going to be good enough to compete cos an elbow dislocation takes minimum 4 weeks to heal
isha,, i dont know what she is doing there.. thats so unfair while isha is not dancing also she is selected for the semi-final,,, dhen why i cnt the channel give winner trophy to her and end the show.. jhalak is suckxx now
ReplyDeleteR u following jdj 5 since beginning? Then dont ask childish Q tht what isha did in jhalak , its called a good report , consistent 30's & max score record she deserved this veto power use from judges
DeleteBharti is so OTT, cheap and vulgar and her dance is atrocious , so she shd go
ReplyDeleteI mean what are they showing us in the name of dance ! Gosh - DID - superkids is what people shd watch if they are indeed looking to see real dance ! Yahan pe poora drama hotha he and marks toh anyways rigged !
Bharti or Isha should go..One can't dance and other is not in condition to dance..
ReplyDeleteIsha must be out after giving so much relaxation. Why she is been treated like celeb and others are like contestants...
ReplyDeleteIf such a briiliant performer got hurt tht then she trulydeserves tht special treatment , she was always consistant , high scorer , created new heights of brlliance which no one has reaceh till date
DeleteI do not agree with this, when you take part in these kind of reality show, always a chance together hurt, this is very well know, she is a professional dancer, should not be allowed to take part in jdj in first place. May be her fiancé have over power judges
DeleteThat is whyshe is getting special treatment
Gurmeet is a manipulator for votes, he is bribing the channel to give him the trophy.. Maybe getting turned with Madhuri Dixit So he is trying his luck on her and wants to win cheapo...
ReplyDeleteRithvik is the most deserving JDJ contestant, Gurmeet is to be eliminated next
u hav any source in the channel to prove r saying ??? just because u lo some other actor dosent make others fraud and character less . mind u .
Deleteyour question is wrong yaar himanshu.... isha is into semis... don't you know dat?!?! judges do have that unwanted veto power to bring her in.... all these are pre-writen... lost all my interest in JDJ.... hope deserving one wins.... except isha... coz for me... she is not deserving to win coz she is not even in the competition for more than 2 weeks.... she didn't give 4 performances...
ReplyDeleteHow can u say it was un wanted? The highest scorer of competation , who always scored 30 almost! Suddenly got hurt & judges should turn their faces forget all her talent & performanes m sorry u appear blind to me thank god judges were not cruel & blind & they used veto for this extraordinary talented girl
Deletebharti should be eliminated
ReplyDeleterithvik is deserving contestant
Elimination should be for Gurmeet. Rithvik should win JDJ
ReplyDeleteWe are ot agree
DeleteGurmeet should be eliminate...he is the worst dancer
ReplyDeleteGurmeet is like a gay & KJo , dances to his moves, he makes dance look ugly, he should be eliminated , isha deserves to win.
ReplyDeletewth??? gurmeet is so talented and his show punar vivah rockssss! guru is da best!
ReplyDeleteGurmeet is like a lizard with a long tail, he looks Gay, and his show Punar Vivah he looks like he is desperate for krithika segar like he was eye on drishti in geet.. He has no dancing skills.. He is bribing the channel colors to stay in the competition, the true winner is rithvik,
ReplyDeleteGurmeet plays politics & manipulates the votes for himself he should be eliminated first
as if u have seen him bahave worse with his co-stars .. if the actor u like is close to his co-stars on-screen , u call it romance . if others do , u call them character-less and desparate ??? u have no right to call him names like that . if u r not known , legal actions can be taken against u .
DeleteThis is so sad how you can call some names, this is uncivilized
DeleteThis is people's choice to choose their individuality . On the other hand gurmeet is
Not gay,he can kill any girl without doing anything only with his look
If you do like someone, please do not call name, judges ever favored him , infect they gave him very low mark. He deserve.that was so unfortunate.
You have a right to comment on someone , please donor insult a performer, if you do not like it, when did he played politics, like when people ask for vote, my Dubai people,my Sindhi people,my Gujarati people , we never heard saying my punjabi people, he speak with every one with respect,gtesveryhumble when judges give him marks marks re verlw
Ramo always played politics ,gurmeet Dracula ance was so perfect,ramo gave him 9 and screw him with one point. Judge areplaying politics, think ishas fancies frce judges to do that
gurmeet have the capacity to win trophy in jdj. his emotions feelings are speechless and he is so talented and he is already prooved that...and gurmeet is a versatile dancer....
ReplyDeleteisha should win , she deserves the trophy.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree,isha should not be in ance compition in theorist place,she is a professional
Its time for Barthi to go now.
ReplyDeletePunar vivah has nothing to do with JDJ. Rithvik is a very energetic dancer. Sneha knows how to use his skills.
gurmeet should win
ReplyDeletebharti should be eliminated
ReplyDeleteIsha still in jdj is unfair for other hardworking contestent.....she sould quit to maintain her respect
ReplyDeleteGURMEET is hardworking & ell deserving......many people r jealous of him ......because so many people luv him.....he has great &loyal fan following
ReplyDeleteGURMEET IS BEST..............
ReplyDeleteSome jealous psychos r roaming here too...4 all of urs kind information gurmeet z d only contestant who z d most deserving amongst all...Isha z just gaining sympathy 4rm her so called fans n judges...instead of karan last week she should b eliminated...cuoming to bharti I don't knw y d hell she z still in JDJ....come on man it's a dancing show rather den a comedy circus n dere should b a limit 2 cheapness she z too much....!
ReplyDeleteRithwik n Rashmi both were d wild card contenders n have given much much less performance den d ones who were 4rm d very starting....!
So d only desrving one keeping all prospectives in mind is only Mr Gurmeet Chaudhary n he has proved it dat he z d best amongst all....!!!
lol.. some of the posts here r really beyond funny! Isha is a damn hell trained dancer.. she's been trained since her childhood :P but still her acts r so monotonous & boring because she almost does same moves in her every act! ufff... it's a dance show not a yoga club :P .. & Ritwik is also a trained dancer & was also in DID. But still his acts seem repetitive also! JDJ is that platform which is for dancing of course but only for the non dancer celebs. According to that Gurmeet is the most deserving contestant of Jhalak's trophy. Cause neither he's a trained dancer nor gives repetitive acts :) He performs different items every week. He's the most versatile among all the participants. And let me tell u, Gurmeet gets votes because he deserves that. Despite being a non dancer he tries, doesn't do any drama like others. His efforts r easily shown. And inshaAllah this dedication & hard work will pay off. Someone was telling that Gurmeet has no manly features! hahahahahahahaha.. o man! thanks for making me laugh so hard! hmmm... that's why he's called the most handsome and good looking contestant of Jhalak for whom Ragini to Madhuri all go gaga ;) .. recently Kareena also showed her love for Gurmeet ;).. hehehe.. People r soooooooooooo jealous of my Gur. That's why can't digest his success. Grapes r sour :P :D ..Nothing to say more :P .. may Allah do justice. May the best man win & it will be Gurmeet inshaAllah :) He's the best not only as a performer but also as a human being. All the best Gurmeet.. Loads of love for u dearest.. ♥ ♥ ♥
ReplyDeleteI pitty on all GC fans here sorry to say u people r so blind in love tht u can abuse every one in this world xcpt him u raise fingers on other contestants ability even on judges ability , for your info all contestants passed the criteria to take part in jhalak so does isha , the format doesnt say tht only nondancer can take part in the show or trained dancers cant, if some of the dancers had some training then its their goodluck why u want others & judges to pay mercy on nondaners like GC he came on his own disicion uskay liye sub peechay hut jaye? What extra ordinary he does till now tell me? Except changing his getups & doing nautanki he didnt do any thing in this show inspite of having a great choreographer shampa he has been stick to weird experiment with his personality & funny dance mixing & making his face all funny!! Nothing my dear! Still u want him to win coz u r blind in his craziness on top of it you are raising fingers on judges ablity of judging the contestants tch tch tch !!
DeleteGurmeet z d only desrving one....gurmeet u rock.....all ur fans r wid u buddy....!!! Luv u always....!
ReplyDeletegurmeet should win
ReplyDeleterashmi should win-isha is faking her injury
ReplyDeleteRithvik should win
ReplyDeleteIsha must be eliminated..
ReplyDeleteY direct ebtry to semifinal
afyer not performong for two weeks
Nd if same accident happens wid other contestants
jdj judges will not think to eliminate dat person
so its wrong for other contestants
dey r performing
not lyk isha sitting nd going to semifinal
nd who should win
gurmeet or ritwik
both r awsome dancer..
aaahhh fans are funny if gurmeet wins then isha fan ll say its fix n if isha wins gurmeet fans ll say the same i think who scored mor points n dance well ll wins
ReplyDeleteall are good.but rithvik rashmi n esha are so or gurmeet should be eliminate.
ReplyDeleteBharti yes not gurmeet
Deleteah well gurmeet deserves to win jhalk trophy n isha shuld b eliminated she is just gaining sympathy n i guess its a dance show so d one who's not able to perform should go back to dere home
ReplyDeleten gurmeet is hardworking he is versatile n has experimented diffrnt dance formsfrom d starting,he is a non dancer who has learned dancing through jhalak
while all d others r trained dancers
*Height of jealousy* Lol Gurmeet is the most deserving dancer on Jdj He Is The best and who called Gurmeet gay * I THINK THEY TRY GC SEXULITY ON THEMSELF* that way they are soooo sure about it *Wink* Gurmeet You are Amazing Dancer God Bless You And Save U From This Fifthy People .....
ReplyDeletewhenever GC danced like a he got 30 marks...that gay should be eliminated
ReplyDeletegurmeet should win jhalak .............every week he give nice performances ..........luv uuuuuuuuuu gurmeet
ReplyDeleteI personally wants that bharti should win because she takes the sympathy of everyone but this is true that she will not win because she is a weapon of the show because she brings trp's for the show Isha is the best RITVIK, GURMEET i dont like both of them both of them act as they are childish :D :D
ReplyDeletegurmeet is the best.
ReplyDeleteand bharti is better than that crap isha. she is just faking.
Woh woh woh guyz ur cmnts r makng me rofl ,cumng to elimntn part its bharti folowd by ritwk than isha n f9ly the winer is gona b Hearthrob Mr. PERFCTIONIST GURMEET CHAUDHARY. .n wat r u guyz sayng g.c manipulates colours oficials n judges seems like u r sufrng wth presbyopia as he is the nly cnstant of jdj who speaks les n he hs n,t gt time to tak r butr othrs n oh gosh sum peeps r so confidnt that he is a gay than i mus say doud that person has realy testd hs sexuality on hmslf n cumng to isha wel i hv seen hw spctculr dncr she is nly in aerobics bt nt in anyothr dnce style n if she is a briliant famous celebrity than wat is she doing in a smal scren reality show oh i remembr she is jus a struglng leftout actrs n y wnt she prfm extraordnarily as she is amng those cntstnts who spnt more time on rhrsls than othrs . .guru has dnced unanimusly inspite of hs tough shdule so betr thnk bfr usng such wrds n peeps who said g.c has fminine touch so i thnk u r ,deaf n blind as u r nt able to c hs wel toned muscular bdy n evrytime whn judges cmplaind hm hs bdy is stif u msd the chnce to undrstnd that stifnes in body languge is manly aset. . .he is the nly dsrvng cntstnt n amng al cntstnts he is the nly ruler of telywood n rtwik the warewolf is worthls to stnd infrnt of hm. .