May 21, 2020

#LeetCode: Count Square Submatrices with All Ones

Given a m * n matrix of ones and zeros, return how many square submatrices have all ones.

Example 1:
Input: matrix =
Output: 15
There are 10 squares of side 1.
There are 4 squares of side 2.
There is  1 square of side 3.
Total number of squares = 10 + 4 + 1 = 15.

Example 2:
Input: matrix =
Output: 7
There are 6 squares of side 1.
There is 1 square of side 2.
Total number of squares = 6 + 1 = 7.

1 <= arr.length <= 300
1 <= arr[0].length <= 300
0 <= arr[i][j] <= 1

ALSO CHECK: Maximal Square

GIT URL: Java Solution Of Leet Code's Count Square Submatrices with All Ones problem
Java Solution

ALSO CHECKOther LeetCode Solutions in Java

-K Himaanshu Shuklaa.

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